Get Started Section explains about registration and login process Before you order Creating / processing orders is the crux og the application. But what leads to that? In this section, know all the prerequisites before you create your first order. Creating a new order This section explains in details how an order can be manually created and shipped to the customer Tools and support Tools and support section include features provided for Shift to enhance user experience and a path to user to contact customer support whenever they are in trouble. Billing It gives information of Invoices og all Fulfillment and Shipments done by SHIFT, and also includes CoD remittance details and option to change subscription plans Integrations It is integrate our Customers’ channels through which they are selling their products. These channels will be listed here and it is seen that they are in sync with SHIFT service. Manage Settings Here the Customers fill in all the necessary information about their accounts with SHIFT such as users, address, email id, Contact no, warehouses, shipping preferences, payments etc. Recent Articles Weight Webhook Product Product Type Product Tag