A Guide: How to Take Care of Order Packaging


It goes without saying that the product inside is the main aspect inside any package.  However, it is important to note that the packaging around the product also has an important role to play. Quality packaging not only attracts customers but can also boost your brand image and company reputation.


If the packaging for the product is shabby and tampered, customers may outright refuse to accept the order and will never shop from you again! Read on to learn more about how good order packaging works!


1. Pick the Right Type of Packaging 

One of the most careless mistakes that sellers make is packing products into boxes that don’t really accommodate them! As small and inconsequential the mistake sounds, it can have great repercussions for your business. 


If small objects are packed into big boxes, the former will shake around resulting in possible irreversible damage. On the other hand, something as expensive and high-maintenance as a smartphone must be wrapped in multiple layers of packaging and put inside a corrugated box. 


2. Ensure Extra Padding and Cushioning Wherever Necessary 

Fragile items often demand extra padding and cushioning as it prevents the product from jerking around and incurring damage. However, please make sure to not overdo it as too much padding or cushioning can put extra pressure on the product and result in cracks or heavy damage. 

Some of the most common types of packaging used by industry experts include bubble wrap, foam, and crumpled paper, among others!


3. Carefully Seal the Product 

Products need to be sealed tightly so that air is unable to pass through unless it is necessary for the product. If the product hasn’t been sealed properly, unfavorable conditions such as bad weather, careless handling of the package, and more can result in damage mid-transit.
It would be in your best interest to delegate these tasks to highly-trained professionals who are well-versed in picking and packing of orders.


4. Partner with the Right Logistics Team

Shift Logistics comes equipped with a picking and packing team that boasts highly-trained professionals. Shift’s professionals carry out packaging with customer satisfaction in mind and can help you successfully serve and retain customers!


From conferring necessary protection upon products to helping boost brand image via attractive packaging, the benefits of top-notch order packaging are manifold.The pick-and-pack procedure used by Shift Logistics will protect contents, enhance brand recognition, conserve resources, and let businesses impress customers like never before!