All you need to know about National Logistic Policy


National logistics policy unveiled by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, aims to improve the competitiveness of Indian goods in domestic and export markets, creating more jobs, improving global performance and ranking, allowing India to become a logistic hub.


The PM Gathi Shakti scheme, launched in October 2021, foresees efficiency in Transport processes, infrastructure connectivity, digital system and regulatory framework throughout the country. Logical and comprehensive steps with two major divisions will be taken to develop the entire logistical system in India.

  • To reduce logistics cost by 5% of GDP in the next five years.

  • To improve India’s logistic ranking in The Logistic Performance Index.

This policy evidently integrates various transportation channels, by leveraging technology and manpower.


The Unified Logistics Interface Platform would enhance digitization on a much larger scale for the consumers and logistic companies. For the first time in India, the billion dollar logistics sector has been given the attention it needs. Stakeholders are positively welcoming this policy and hope for effective implementation at ‘cheetah’ speed.


The Key Building Blocks:

  1. Integrating Digital System

It can make logistics significantly more efficient leading to seamless and faster workflow.

  1. Unified Logistic Interface Platform

Eliminating tyranny of long and cumbersome processes, a unified platform integrating all logistics and transport sectors into a single portal has been launched.

  1.  Logistic Services at ease

Speedy resolution of operational issues with government agencies taken up by the Industry by the new digital platform.

  1. Full-scale Logistics Action Plan

A comprehensive logistic action plan would be undertaken comprising, Integrated digital logistics system, development of logistic parks, capacity building, standardization of physical assets, human resource development, benchmarking service standards, etc 


Take Away:

National logistics policy is an endeavor to improve the competitiveness of Indian goods in hands, employment opportunities, and increase economic growth. PM Gati Shakti would further supplement the launch of the National Logistics Policy. This policy will shape the sector into one integrated, resilient and cost effective logistics system of the country.